Scripting Support

Full scripting support with all our cloud hosting packs

All our cloud hosting packages offer scripting support. You’ll be able to use virtually any PHP or Python–powered application and also use more than three thousand and four hundred Perl modules supported by our Linux–powered web hosting servers. Additionally, you will be able to work with MySQL as well as PostgreSQL databases and employ the InnoDB database engine offered by every package. SSI, ImageMagick, Zend Optimizer and GD Library are supported too.

Scripting Support

Multiple Data Centers

Always offer the best web site load speeds for all your potential visitors

The data center facility location is directly related to your website’s loading speed, that’s why, by choosing a datacenter facility that is as near as possible to your clients, you can truly guarantee the best web experience for them. We offer you a choice of datacenter facilities on several continents – Colohouse in Chicago, IL, USA; UK Servers in Coventry, United Kingdom, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, S3 in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. Each of them offers a dependable and safe cloud hosting environment with a twenty–four–seven server monitoring service and a ninety–nine point nine percent server uptime guarantee.

Multiple Data Centers

Web Accelerators

A selection of software tools to boost the loading speed of your sites

Inside the Web Control Panel you’ll find different Web Site Accelerator Programs intended to speed up your dynamic, database–driven sites. By caching content, these software tools significantly reduce the number of times a database is referred to and hence lower the server load. This helps your websites open faster and will decrease the bounce rates. You can pick between several web accelerators – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached.

Web Accelerators


A safe and secure web app firewall software

All our cloud hosting packs have ModSecurity by default. ModSecurity is a little Apache module that does a wonderful job – it functions as a web application firewall software, successfully defending your websites against hacker attacks. What is even more everything takes place immediately, without you having to configure or set up anything. Your web sites will be safeguarded as soon as you host them with us.


Domain Manager

Control numerous domain names from one single location

From inside the all–inclusive Domain Manager integrated into your Web Control Panel, you can control a lot of domains at the same time. You are able to lock/unlock, forward & park your domains, change the WHOIS data, create custom DNS entries, etc. Moreover, you’ll be able to Whois Privacy Protect your domain name to shield your private details or even request a digital certificate to protect the sensitive information on your web store.

Domain Manager

Solid–State Drives

Quickly increase your web site’s loading speed

If you want to give your web site a performance boost, all you have to do is simply to host it with us. All our cloud hosting machines are furnished with solid–state drives, so on each server you will benefit from unparalleled read & write speeds, which will make your site astonishingly fast.

With the exceptional connectivity provided by all our cloud hosting Data Centers, your site will start working so much faster without any need for any modifications from you.

Solid–State Drives

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9% uptime for your websites

We’ve developed our very own custom–built cloud hosting system where the server load is decreased and a 99.9 percent uptime is guaranteed. Our system admins monitor the machines around the clock and also execute routine server maintenance procedures. All hosting packages come with a ninety–nine point nine percent uptime warranty no matter whether you have decided to host your websites in America, in the EU or in Australia.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

Data Backups

Lost your web site content? Turn to our backup solution

Once put on the web, your site content is normally unprotected to hack assaults. It may be affected even by your very own involuntary actions. Choose us and, there is nothing to worry about, since we always have a backup of your web site content, which will be retrieved whenever you want. Plus, you may create manual backups of your whole website with just a click through the File Manager, which is located in the Web Control Panel. Our system will successfully restore all your website files and will save them in a ZIP file, which will be saved in your hosting account.

Data Backups

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

We have used the newest cloud server technologies when constructing our own web hosting platform, which is invulnerable to unexpected service interruptions and network outages. All of the services connected with your website like DNSs, emails, databases, applications, etc. are dealt with by different servers so that even if there is an excessive load problem, your site will still be working hassle–free.

True Cloud Platform

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our packages is set up for your needs completely free. 30 day reimbursement. 99.9% service uptime. 1–hour response time frame.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a glance at the instruments and characteristics offered by every one of our web hosting packages. You can start off with a cheaper plan and upgrade with just a click of the mouse when your site gets bigger.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • Get hold of us anytime during business hours on weekdays for just about any pre–sale or general inquiries about our platform. Contact us anytime.