Inside of the 7Host Web Hosting Web Control Panel you’ll find a fully–featured, convenient Database Manager! Employ it in order to enjoy complete command over all of your databases. It is easy to comfortably set up new MySQL and PgSQL databases and administer them via the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software programs, respectively.

A Simple point and click User interface

The most efficient database managing interface

Database management may sound like a hard task to new web hosting customers, but with the Database Manager, it’s actually really simple! To configure a completely new database, you simply ought to provide the username and password. Database back–ups are only a click away at the same time.People who choose to examine their databases and also revise them should use the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin tools.

Hepsia File Manager

Simple and quick Database Back–up

Database backup copies can be a click away

Within the Database Manager it’s possible to make an archived backup of your database when you need! For this reason, you’ll always have a backup of your operating content in the event your site gets broken into or if you accidentally remove a database. To create a backup: click the ’clock’ symbol on the side of a certain database and afterwards just wait for a couple of seconds for the process to be concluded.

There aren’t any boundaries about the quantity of databases you would be able to back up or the volume of back–ups you can create for any database.

Hepsia File Manager

PgSQL Databases Support

Simply the most protected open source databases

You can find PgSQL support in every one of our Linux cloud plans packages. PgSQL databases may not be as popular and commonly used as MySQL, nonetheless they provide the highest level of security for your website content and articles. Because of this, a lot of widely known companies like Skype and Yahoo utilize PgSQL databases. Dealing with PgSQL databases is as elementary as MySQL, because of the incredibly user–friendly interface of the Database Manager.

PgSQL databases are included by default inside of the most innovative web hosting bundles. For the normal plans, they’re offered as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The newest face of MySQL

With 7Host Web Hosting, you’ll always discover the most recent version of MySQL plus the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, mounted.

InnoDB is more reliable as compared to the earlier storage engine’s edition – MyISAM. It is ACID–compliant and, most of all – it gives you complete transaction support. Additionally, it uses row–level locking, as opposed to MyISAM’s table–level locking, that seemed to lead to performance problems at high usage periods.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

In depth stats for all of your databases

We offer you a straightforward option to keep an eye on the database use of your dynamic web sites. From the descriptive database statistics user interface, that’s built–into the Web Control Panel, you can easily track the load created through your active sites in real time. The presented data will help you analyze the database load fluctuations per hour, on a daily basis or monthly.

You are able to observe the database load for all your web sites from the Database Stats area of the Web Control Panel. The table onscreen presents the database queries accumulated in the present month. To check details for an earlier month, all you have to do is click on the back arrows positioned at the top.

Hepsia File Manager