Stable Linux with Apache
Linux & Apache have existed in tandem for some time now and are one of the most popular server configurations. Learn why.
Linux is an Operating System, that is not that widely used for desktop machines, but is one of the most frequently used OSs for web servers. It is totally free, so you shall not have to pay any license costs as part of your web hosting payments. Linux is furthermore thought of as the most secure OS these days and due to the permissions that files have and the file types that can be run, virus files that can infect a normal PC shall simply not be executed on a Linux-based hosting server. Furthermore, the Operating System is freeware, so it can be changed without any restrictions, so that it will suit the requirements of the website hosting provider and their customers. This means that unwanted software packages can easily be removed to make the Operating system lighter and faster, that may directly lead to far better server performance. Numerous Linux machines have the Apache web server installed on them, due to the fact that this application is also absolutely free, fast and secure. It's the most commonly used web server available and is a part of the LAMP bundle that numerous script apps, such as Joomla™ and WordPress, require. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.
Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Hosting
cloud hosting accounts we offer are set up on our cutting-edge customized cloud web hosting platform. Independent groups of servers are used to deal with each part of the hosting service, including email messages, databases and so on. All of our web servers run Linux. The latter has been custom made as a way to make certain that we can provide a reliable website hosting service without wasting resources. We use the powerful Apache web server and we have an entire cluster for it, so that all HTTP requests between visitors and your websites will be dealt with without delay. You will be able to use a variety of languages for your sites – HTML, Python, Perl, JavaScript, etc., and you shall not have to worry about security or reliability problems at any time.
Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers
semi-dedicated server accounts are set up on a cutting-edge specialized platform. An independent group of web servers handles each individual service - databases, e-mail messages, files, and so on., and because we highly prize the advantages of a personalized, risk-free and dependable OS, all the web servers which form the clusters run Linux. The OS enables us to make the required modifications, not to mention the improved speed, for the reason that only one type of process runs on the server, contrary to the standard web hosting platform provided by most companies in which everything runs on one web server. Moreover, we use the Apache web server too. We have examined its abilities throughout the years, so we've confirmed that it will give us as a provider and you as a customer the required speed and convenience for the best possible site performance.